Vision Popping 4 Fun & Success

Activating the Power of Adjusted Vision...

Our Gamers are Visionaries and Entrepreneurs. You often have started many projects, each viable to change the world, each consistent with whom you were when the project was created. But you often have more than one project or direction they can go or are going and it is hard for you to narrow down to the 20% of the action that produces 80% of the results.

Stuck in busy work, or stuck deciding a direction, is still stuck. Part of what was really keeping you stuck was all the baggage you were still carting around that was blurring your vision and cutting your power down considerably.

Most of that baggage has been cleared and last week you took a little time off your vision by softening your focus so that your Higher Self could help you see the big picture.

Now we are going to have you look at your mission and projects again from the Higher vantage point of World-Class levels, limiting emotions and beliefs replaced with empowering matrix, and the connection and integration with your Higher Self coming into alignment.

How do you know its your Higher Self talking. I mean, a lot of those beliefs were masquerading as your Higher Self, so over time, you’ve lost familiarity with your Higher Self’s voice. Who do you listen to now?

How do you hone in so that you KNOW its your Higher Self speaking?

We love using Muscle testing for this. Whenever we are not sure about a decision, and it still happens folks!, we pull out our pendulum or fingers and test to make sure it is for our highest greatest good. And over time, we’ve gotten in tune with our Higher Self and needed muscle testing less and less.

If you are still getting the hang of energy measurement or just getting started, check out “Simple Energy Measurement” under the Bonuses tab for how Ed & I do it and some other ways also. Just keep trying till you find the method that works best for you.

Get your pendulum or fingers handy and scroll down to download Liz's Dream Building Toolkit and answer the questions from this, new higher perspective so that you will know in which vision to focus all your newly freed-up power.

To Your New Game...Turbo Charged!


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