The Universe is NOT testing us!

“What do you mean I have to reset ALL my phone defaults?!” I said to the Verizon guy…

I went into the Verizon store hoping that they could fix my texting problem. I’d send a text and, I kid you not, 44 minutes later I’d get a reply, but the time stamp on the text said that they had sent the reply instantly and my phone waited 44min to give it to me!

I mean, not getting my texts till 44 minutes later is definitely an issue. The moment has passed before it even began for me, but losing all my defaults is a major pain…or is it?

Their answer to my problem was simple. Reset the defaults to factory and my texts would stop getting hung up on Verizon’s servers.

I don’t know about you, but I customize everything. But I wanted my texts more than I wanted my comfort, so I said, “Ok. Hit the button!”

And my texts started coming thru like clockwork.

And I started having to make a whole bunch of decisions again… like, which keyboard do I want to use, etc.

Then I realized that I wasn’t making all the same choices I had before.

Being forced to choose again gave me an opportunity to look at my options in a new light.


I’m not the same person I was when I set those defaults and filters on my new phone 12 months ago.

That got me thinking about Life’s New Game.

When we clear the baggage, habits, filters, emotions, beliefs, and raise consciousness, our we start to see life from a whole new perspective.

Things that used to bother us, just don’t.
We see opportunities that were right there under our noses.
We find it easier to focus and act for our dreams.

And sometimes, we have a whole bunch of Decisions come up that we thought we had dealt with already. And we think, “I’ve already filtered this. What gives?!”

That’s when I get a question like this one, “I don’t feel a charge around seeing my ex anymore, but if all the baggage is cleared, why do I keep running into her?”

And the reason is because their defaults have been reset.

The Universe is giving them an opportunity to make a Decision about that person from their higher perspective. You crossed them off your list before, is that what you still want?

It’s NOT that the Universe is testing us and our resolve.

It’s that it is OUR Game and with the reset, we get to choose our defaults, our filters again.

It’s a beautiful opportunity to decide how we want to configure our Game with its new upgrade.

So resetting my phone today was really a blessing.

I knew the Universe was NOT testing me, but I too get frustrated when it feels like every time I upgrade my inner game, I have more Decisions to make.

Now I see how the reset has given me the opportunity to revisit old Decisions and make BETTER ones.

I usually hate going to the Verizon store, but this trip was a massive blessing!

People find me when they are at a crossroads for change. You found me, so I ask…

Where are you choosing your new Defaults?

To Your New Game!

PS If you are not one of our Gamers yet and are wondering how in the WORLD we reset their inner game FOR THEM, check out for the inside scoop 🙂
