That’s relationship Life’s New Game style!
I recently received this email from one of our JumpStart graduates…
“I went through a breakup where you think I would be upset but I have been the happiest and most giddy I have been in a long time. It’s been a little weird. I’m very very at peace with life and the situation. The whole situation has just been amusing to me which is not a normal reaction for most people. It’s like I’m totally at peace and know it wasn’t meant to be. And that I’m meant to do more that I couldn’t have done with this guy in my life.
I cried it out for like 20 minutes then was done and over and ran into the guy a few hours after the break up and I was very cordial and respectful to him. It’s been nice being so carefree and at peace. But definitely not a normal reaction to a break up.
I’m sure it was Life’s New Game. I would not have handled it that was as the ‘old’ me! Thank you! I think some people think I have lost my mind with my reaction but it felt right to me and in the end that’s what matters! – Ellen”
I was oddly joyful too, “You are so healthy girl! I love how you are doing!
There is so much I could say here about Hollywood expectations of what relationship and breakup means. In my experience, what you describe is happy and healthy. You don’t have any lingering lessons to learn that will repeat (that’s what often causes that feeling of needing closure I think). Your time together simply is at an end. No stuck stuff. Happy growth all the way!”
And that is relationship Life’s New Game style. As my mentor, Mary Morrissey, says, “Relationships have their Reasons, Seasons and some…Lifetimes.” Not all relationships last forever. You know that you are clear and in the sweet spot of Your Game when they end without lingering stuckness and damage.
You may cry, like Ellen did, but you also get up and move on and know that that relationship blessed you in its time and the next one will too.
I’m so happy for Ellen and the New Game she has chosen and leaped into with both feet!
And I’m happy that Life’s New Game could help facilitate that with her 🙂
To Your New Game…and Ellen’s!
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