Ed Oakley

CEO Enlightened Leadership

Liz Hester

Igniting Dreams

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Certification Live Coaching

This is where we take Your New Game to a whole new level...

This is your opportunity to bring your questions about clearing others and serving your clients. The 45min call is Q&A driven, so bring your best questions and we'll answer them together!

Life's New Game Certification Coaching Call 1st & 3rd Third Thursdays at

7pm EST

6pm CST

5pm MST

4pm PST

Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100

Guest pin code: 2738494#

Recorded Calls...

Certification Call Replay - 6/6/16

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Why so much Gratitude in the Process?

8min Emotion Code Research and Breakthrus

20min Can we add this to the Process?

34min Physical healing with new technique?

Certification Call Replay - 6/2/16

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What's going on raising the consciousness of our clients?

2min Getting secure in testing

8min Difference Between BreakThru and WorldClass

12min Who do you want to grow into over the summer? How can Life's New Game help?

14min Who should be disqualified from working with you?

19min To be qualified...

22min Clear the fear with them so they can decide to move forward

23min Clients show up for a specific reason - how do you know that the outcome you come up with is the most benefical outcome for both of you

27min Liz looks for yes! and filters for yes, but...

31min Any changed to the Process?

35min Liz's take on trusting yourself in testing your clients

Certification Call Replay - 5/19/16

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Synopsis: Clearing deep rashes from childhood

Liz's shorthand Process

Using Louise Hay book for clearing/healing

Hartman Value Profile

20min How do we experience the feeling of clearing?

Sometimes what gets cleared isn't the physical issue directly, but sometimes it clears the vision to see what needs to happen

The path may be at right angles to the problem to teach us something

25min What does intuitive thought look like?

30min Meditation

Certification Call Replay - 4/21/16

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Sensitive's Alert - emotions are stronger these days

6min Don't Need to Know Clearings

8min Demo Clearings for Social Proof

15min What to clear when someone doesn't want to tell you what needs clearing...Don't need to know!

19min Karma Game is broken

24min Do you have a death wish? How is your will to live?

40min Is there a Will to Health?

Certification Call Replay - 4/7/16

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Synopsis: I thought I'd cleared it for the client. Why is it back?

18min New Process

22min April 9 more Love is coming!

32min Clearing Presentations

40min Change or 2x4!

Certification Call Replay - 3/17/16

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Synopsis: What are Ed and Liz doing in Florida?

5min Sensitives Alert

9min Miracles - everything is a miracle!

13min Getting sick, must be planet energy

18min AstraTravel

22min can you measure over 100%

29min great success with our clients Gayle

32min Doing a team assessment - I see the problem, how can the process help?

34min Executive Retreat Cleared for a better session

Certification Call Replay - 3/3/16

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Synopsis: Do I need a nap? Test for the answer!

9min Book clearing Discussion at https://www.facebook.com/groups/lifesnewgame/permalink/480623718812502/

11min How do we test truth level in the book? Test for clearing issues for an individual is a different test?

20min Stick it ALL in the Brackets

21min Do you have watchers on your back? Clearing Outside Influences and Entities

31min Any changes to the Process?

Certification Call Replay - 2/18/16

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Everything happens to my Highest Greatest Good so where is the good here?

5min Whatever feels like 'same old, same old' is what you need to put in the brackets.

10min Got a group of prospects tomorrow. How do I clear the group for the presentation?

15min 5 Action Steps Facilitation went well - get the 5 Action Steps in Bonus Section

18min What other say about us tell us more about them...What I say about others is often what I need to clear

20min What you don't do may be something you need to clear...

24min Level of Truth of the book - Manifestation Mindset - Forbes Robbins Blair30min Resetting my phone is like Resetting Our New Game

35min Invisible Mask 0? Words of Affirmation and not being able to share

40min Come from a place of trusting yourself and that's the true Invisible Mask gone

Certification Call Replay - 2/04/16

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: I'm clearing everything, every morning and see if communication improves with my clients and start fresh

3min How Gayle communicates with clients about clearing so successfully

Covert vs Overt - overt had stronger and better results. once they were cleared we could develop concrete competencies

2 types of clients...coaching clients MUST go thru the process, or team development then choose who we tell about it

Now getting referrals because of the resultsResistance to hearing about the process - Gayle doesn't talk about the process, she talks about the results she's getting and that they have nothing to lose, they will only clear what is to their highest greatest good unless they have to learn the lesson themselvesSome might say, if you can't tell me how it works, then I'm not interested - then she says that's fine! Can you tell me how gravity works?

15min If someone is not ready, nothing is going to happen, test ahead how ready they are before you start

17min Some things have to Work out themselves because it is there game

18min Sensitive's Alert - planet upgrading again and heart and head are coming into alignment

Be sure to test if it is the planet or you so you can ride out the waves of energy and emotion

36min Appriciating Your Triggers

38min 51 Symptoms of Awakening Spiritually

42min Ed's still clearing too and getting more sensitive

What to do when clearing doesn't work. Face the Decision Point and let the emotions flow thru

46min Still Clearing Books? And How?

Certification Call Replay - 1/21/16

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Synopsis: Clear prospects before close them as clients

5min new certification class yet? not yet :)

7min Forbes 30 Under 30 Article posting on facebook validates LNG!

9min Planet Upleveling vibration again

12min Ex's Clearings - send yours in!

Certification Call Replay - 1/14/16

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Synopsis: Sound issues on Part 1, but we pick up great stuff in Part 2 and the audio is with the button ...Cleared people rising to the top of their businesses

G&E think that they get better results when the clearing is overt and Cleared people rising to the top of their businesses

Clearing makes one lady see more beauty around her

We did 'I don't ask for help' clearing for everyone!

Part 2 Group facilitation coming - how to clear the group in advanced

Use Five Action Steps to help with group facilitationIs there an abbreviated form of the clearing process? Liz - I cry for help!

Certification Call Replay - 12/17/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: We're about to launch the Life's New Game for Breakout Entrepreneurs Podcast! So send in your stories so that we can share your success with the world (it can be annonomous :)

8min Ed's LinkedIn article could help you test if your clients are ready to talk about clearing.

11min Angel Investors & Life's New Game!

16min TTI article on predicting entrepreneurial success

25min What can I do about an entitlement attitude?

Certification Call Replay - 12/04/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Physical Healing Experiments!

13min Manifestation tweak to the Process

Certification Call Replay - 11/19/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clearing 400 emotions now! The proof is in the almost car wreck!

9min Our holiday clearings request!

12min Put everything in the brackets

13min Clear Entitlement & Fear of Stopping/Pausing/Yeilding

15min Food allergies directly and it worked "any food that triggers me, please clear them"

22min Change from World-Class to Branson-Class

26min You don't have to tell them you are clearing them

29min Coaching Story of Maternal Deprivation

36min I would love credit for clearing people

40min Who should I be clearing?

45min You do get credit when other people see changes and it comes back to crediting your coaching

Certification Call Replay - 11/5/15

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Certification Call Replay - 10/22/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

"Exponential Organizations" book huge for our Gamers - Uber & Wright Bros

26min Top 5 Success Factors BreakThru Levels

30min What does it mean when you install a book?

36min How do we choose which books to clear?

37min How do we actually do the clearing of the book? Put in the brackets - [Anything in BOOK TITLE that is clearable]

40min New Certified Instant Upgrade Processhttp://lifesnewgame.com/lngmasterprocessothers

50min Fear of Feelings cleared!

Certification Call Replay - 10/8/15

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3min The Power of "Power vs Force"

7min Fell off the clearing wagon - but we're clearing you anyway

9min We can clear your clients for you if needed

15min We had a World-Class wedding!

23min Firm-wide transformation - clear decision makers

25min 2 problem Clients - it may be a Decision Point problem

33min Put the conversation with the client in the brackets

40min Wake-up calls are key - the consequence of ignoring the wakeup call"After the 2nd sign comes the 2x4"

Certification Call Replay - 9/24/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Why use the new Process?

Huge energy moving thru the planet thru the eclipse Sept 27th.

Top 5 Distinctions of World-Class

What is "World-Class" anyway?

32 min Clear EVERYTHING, every day! Yes, it is that easy!

45 min Why Hawkins scale so limitedGuys only call! lol

Certification Call Replay - 9/10/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

4min New Clearing Process

7min Evolution of Anchor Programming Language

14min Client made huge strides in new communication

25min Some Game Masters telling their clients they can clear them and even the traditionals are responding

29min Ed's take on Anchor Programming

41min Homework for clients so that they notice the Invisible Mask is gone Look for indications connecting better and more authentically

46min Every time I get on these calls with you guys...

Certification Call Replay - 8/26/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Getting spikes in anger in clients who are 'Sensitives' when clearing anger

20 min Ed Suggests a Different Approach to Clearing

25min Ed will test for you for our clearing experiment

30min How will I know if they are finished clearing? Test the degree to which they are complete with this clearing at this time from 0-100, looking for 100.

32min How often do I clear my clients? Daily or 3 times a week

43min All of Dan's clients covert? clearings going well for clients. one just closed her biggest deal ever!

Dan says, You can't miss these calls, there's too much going on!

Certification Call Replay - 8/13/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

How to clear physical using feeling

20 min Showdown mode with family

30 min Things happen for a reason, even losing your iPad

35 min Clearing the Zipline Bus for 'Fear of Heights'

38 min Difference Between Level of Consciousness and Awakening

48 min I'm Clearing my prospects

49 min Recruiting Fill - cleared new candidate

Certification Call Replay - 7/30/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

4:00 Clearing a Seminar

6:00 Subtle Energy Clearing for a client

10:00 Clearing for Manifestation, Attracting, Creation

16:00 Manifesting for your clients

20:00 Affirmations to Step into Clearing

28:00 Huge shift in difficult client

32:00 Clearing allowed client to ask a question and listen and change

33:00 Ed's Method of Inviting Feedback for a Leader of a Team

37:00 Awakening and LOC

Certification Call Replay - 7/16/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

Tricia's client no longer consumed by fear! :)

11:00 Breakthrus in Clearing Subtle Energies

14:00 Breakthrus in understanding of Awakening and Enlightenment

25:00 Can we teach the Master Process in week 4?

30:00 Subtle energy clearings for clients?

33:00 Difficulties Clearing the Invisible Mask for a client

42:00 Pendulum testing questions - screaming Grandmother

53:00 Devining Pendulum

55:00 Clearing for winning the Lottery?

Certification Call Replay - 7/2/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

3:00 Why are they getting more angry after I've cleared anger?

12:00 Is this to my client's Highest Greatest Game?

21:00 I told my spouse I cleared her covertly! score!

25:00 Lost some business, but now I have time to work with higher level clients

35:00 Meeting with brother from a new place since clearing

Certification Call Replay - 6/25/15

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Forgot time stamping this week!

Can we heal Physical with the Process?

Can we change DNA?

We can bless food to be 100% good for us!

Certification Call Replay - 6/18/15

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5min Software possibilities for team clearing

23min How to get feedback from my clients and their covertly cleared team

29min Service projects for Vets

33min Tom's challenges with his brother - how do you clear a family situation?

48min Updates on clearing...now clearing Karma and God Light!

Certification Call Replay - 6/11/15

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1:00 If my LOC is high, why am I not floating in the clouds

22:00 Automatic Clearing Software

51:00 Story - clear the decision makers for getting a next level client

57:00 How much do you test the group as a whole or individuals?

58:00 Why would he be short with customers when anger has been cleared?

1:04:00 Tricia Issues testing - When trying to get a testing number, Ask "Is this person 10% or greater?" Always say 'or greater' to get a yes or no. Why am I getting over 100%? Clear any issues around testing.

Certification Call Replay - 6/06/15

(Right click, 'Save as...' to download)

2min Trust, Asking good questions

7min Pick doctor, and others, by Anger and Caring Levels

12min Check the Anger and Caring Levels of your future clients and employees to choose who you want to spend time with

18min Client not returning calls, test to see if to HGG to poke them

22min Pendulum choice

28min Can we test the future

30min Testing Perspective Clients

38min How to measure Separation and Unity? Separation to 0, Unity to 100

40min Clearing Going Well... Woman Separated from Husband, now moving on

42min Clearing her anger can the anger go poof? Yes!

48min I trust the process, but not my ablity to do it, that it works with me I'll clear trusting myself!

52min When we clear Week 3 do you name all the items on the list

57min Do you have a guideline for reclearing?

1:00:02min How do we help the young client clear their path? Is there anything I can clear that can help him/his process?

1:00:06 If you are not Raising Consciousness, your clients need it to burst thru their glass ceiling to World-Class

1:00:11 Clear Invisible Mask after Emotions are cleared and Consciousness are Up

Certification Call Replay - 5/24/15

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2min Don't Need to Know Trigger Clearings

20min How to get clients to see change has happened

28min 2 Clients - One better, One Worse - What's going on?

35min PreSoul

42min "Power vs Force" and pride power embalance

48min Divine Team for people of Faith - call it Jesus!

52min Is the Master Process a form of prayer? Yes

58min Extreme WooWoo alert - Clearing Implants

Certification Call Replay - 5/21/15

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Life's New Game - All Rights Reserved 2014
