Ted went through our Life’s New Game six week transformation process and wasn’t sure he was seeing significant changes, so he took his wife to dinner and asked, “Honey, have you seen any differences in me over the last month while I’ve been participating in this program? Please be honest.”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” she exclaimed, and began to list the shifts she had experienced in Ted. “You’re doing projects around the house without having to be asked. You bought me flowers for Valentine’s Day for the first time in years. Most of all, instead of being apprehensive when you walk in the room, I realize I’m smiling! – because of the significant shifts I’m experiencing in you.” Ted was stunned and delighted.
Real influence is not so much as a “how to” as it is a “come from.” Your level of influence is more about who you ARE than what you DO. Many articles and books teach you what you must DO to be an effective influencer.
Enlightened Leadership has provided “how to” influence tools like Forward FocusTM, Effective Questions, Personal DNATM, Understanding Motivation and 5 Action Steps for Breakthrough ResultsTM for several decades now.
We also shared stories and experiences and led processes to help people “get” the importance of where they were “coming from” in influencing others.
But we typically experienced a limited number of people who actually had an internal breakthrough that had them become natural influencers.
The reality is the effectiveness of all the tools is dependent upon the quality of a leader’s perspective, come-from or BEING.
There is a big difference between DOING and BEING. You can DO the tools, but if you aren’t coming from the right intention, they’ll fall flat. Your “come from” is all about who you really ARE, your BEING.
Your true Being is based on several factors:
1) the quality of your beliefs
2) the quality of your emotions
3) the level of your consciousness
How you address people you want to influence is impacted by all three of these factors. If you have seriously limiting beliefs about their capabilities, it will show in how you work with them – how you treat them.
If you have emotional issues, like anger, that you wear on your sleeve, your ability to bring out the best in others is limited. They’re more likely stuck in fear of what you’re going to do or say next. Your Being corrupts what you’re trying to Do.
If you’re trying to act like you’re coming from high consciousness, but really aren’t, the “act” will show through.
Very popular in corporate America today is training for Emotional Intelligence. EI as it is typically abbreviated is about developing awareness about your own emotions and how they impact your behaviors and how you treat others.
The idea is that to be an effective leader, one must learn to “manage” their emotions. Unfortunately, managing one’s emotions has serious limitations. Managing emotions means the baggage is still there – you’re just trying to cover them up.
There is really good news here.
For the first time in the history of mankind, reprogramming limiting beliefs, clearing debilitating emotions and raising consciousness are not only possible, but quick and easy. So, we don’t have to “manage limiting emotions.” We can clear them, along with limiting beliefs, while raising consciousness to breakthrough levels in just a matter of weeks.
For more information about how you can get the experts to help you with your real influence, check out https://lifesnewgame.com/lngexclusive