Live Laser Coaching Replays

Laser Coaching Replay (6/16/16)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: 1 Year of Transformation!

8min The impact of blocks on weight

13min Body manifests what's going on in life

18min Testing new tech with some Gamers

22min Liz shaped hole in the mirror

27min Cutting up in class effected my life too

Laser Coaching Replay (6/16/16)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: 1 Year of Transformation!

8min The impact of blocks on weight

13min Body manifests what's going on in life

18min Testing new tech with some Gamers

22min Liz shaped hole in the mirror

27min Cutting up in class effected my life too

Laser Coaching Replay (6/2/16)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: I'm feeling so many emotions right now! Didn't you clear those?

4min Subtle Energy Clearings6min Put everything in the Fill in the Blanks!

8min What do I do with the funk?

16min Meditation effects without the hours of meditation

21min Procrastination

30min How do I know when it is time to act? Is it expansive or contractive

35min Difference Between BreakThru and WorldClass

Laser Coaching Replay (5/19/16)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How do we experience the feeling of clearing?

8min I am still stuck unexplicable blocks and tech glitches

16min Do you still meditate?

21min What does intuitive thought look like?

25min Shooting forward with momentum next week!

Laser Coaching Replay (5/5/16)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Don't Need to Know Clearing takes care of mystery issues

6min Clearing for the "will to health"

Laser Coaching Replay (4/7/16) 37 min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Manifesting Bicycles!3min New Process

6min More Suggestions/Examples of what to put in the brackets

13min My Brain Checked Out On Me....Help!

15min More Love Coming April 9!

Laser Coaching Replay (3/17/16) 21 min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: I've got tons of books I've never been able to read, can the Process help me with that?

9min Sensitive's Alert

17min Miracles - everything is a miracle!

Laser Coaching Replay (3/3/16) 25 min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Life's New Game Birthday is coming!

2min Latest Verison of the Food Blessing added to Bonus Section under "Food Blessing"

7min Is there a way that I can learn to clear others too?

13min Do you work with companies and organizations too?

15min Celebrate one Gamers huge successes

17min Is Anger good for you?

19min What happened to my Flow?

Laser Coaching Replay (2/18/16) 43 min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Instant Upgrade in Your Hands Now!

5min Resetting the Defaults on my Phone and Life

11min Can you clear my feeling, "I don't let myself play with the notion I could be really impactful."

13min Clearing Fear of Entrepreneurship for everyone

15min Is Fear of Subordination keeping me down?

18min I'm not getting the recognition I desire, what do I clear?

25min Clearing Desires

32min What other say about us tell us more about them...What I say about others is often what I need to clear

34min Importance of Decisions - we can claer everything for you, but YOU have to make the Decision on who you want to be and where you want to go

38min If I test and I'm supposed to take the action, the outcome may not be what you expect.

Laser Coaching Replay (2/04/16) 48min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Showdown with Fatal Flaws with Planetary Upgrades sparking them off

8min Mary Barr is Branson-Class Entrepreneur that inspires us all

14min Finding direction to serve with financial byproducts

16min 5 Action Steps used to create a dream!

18min Using the 5 Finger Test to Test your dreams

20min Proof of Heaven - Higher Levels of Consciousness fuel our evolution

28min New Gamer Experience - more energy, more productivity, closing several difficult deals - road blocks disolving - manifested $500,000 to close deal, attracting solutions rather than problems from the people around me

32min Different Levels of giving back

33min Election Insights on candidates with Top 5 Factors

36min Do you really clear entire books at a time? What does that mean?

43min Decision Points must be made by the Gamer sometimes to move forward

Let it Flow, sometimes the emotions must flow thru and out to see the Decision Point and make the Decision, then can clear

Laser Coaching Replay (1/21/16) 58min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Feeling weird? Your Higher Self will only clear what's best for you, you are okay!

4min How do I step into a new phase of my life with grace and ease? From job to retirement and new entrepreneur

9min Contractive vs Expansive feelings

11min Transitioning to California negotiated Dream Job Situation

15min Forbes 30 under 30 article validates our testing :)

19min Send in your Ex's ideas for clearings

22min Is it time to Launch my Premium Product? how do I clear it?

27min How do we clear Success Upgrade?

28min When is Certification?

32min Where do I find 5 Actions for BreakThru Results and what are they? How do I clear for it too?

48min Deep Dive Decision Points - Am I really committed?

Laser Coaching Replay (1/14/16) 31min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Can you clear 'I don't ask for help'?

10min Procrastination - test if its universe timing or you and if its you...clear it! Put the feeling in the brackets

15min Prioritizing what needs to happen with Universe help

18min The newest Instant Upgrade is live on the member's site!

21min Let the Universe help you with your priorities...Managing Multiple Demands (also in your bonus section)

Laser Coaching Replay (12/17/15) 50min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: We're about to launch the Life's New Game for Breakout Entrepreneurs Podcast! So send in your stories so that we can share your success with the world (it can be annonomous :)

5min I've been reading your LinkedIn article and could you go more in depth on the 5 Factors in correlation with the Exponential Organizations?

15min Angel Investors & Life's New Game!

28min Let's talk about your fav millionaires :)

30min How do I clear myself to Launch my book well?

35min We are clearing Manifestations now!

43min Does calling on my Divine Team call on ALL my spiritual supports?

Laser Coaching Replay (12/04/15) 6min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How do I weather the Holiday Season's triggers?

Laser Coaching Replay (11/19/15) 46min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: We're clearing over 200 more emotions for you.

3min Send us your holiday clearing requests!

4min Celebrate not getting mad when getting cut off in traffic - like Ed!

5min Branson-Class Success instead of World-Class Success

7min Baby Zuckerberg and others were at Breakthru levels when they founded their companies, and you are already higher than them in those days!

9min Being able to follow thru is key to success - we clear those factors for you too

11min You are set up to move into your success

14min Place of Relinquishment and Surrender in our lives and how to use the Instant Upgrade to do it

20min Fear of Stopping? Clear it!

23min Feeling Betrayed and working thru it

28min Why did the Universe tell me to go this way if I'm getting no's?

32min Advanced Testing Techniques for prioritizing

35min How to test how to move forward

43min Branson-Class levels are predictive of success

Laser Coaching Replay (11/5/15) 16min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Laser Coaching Replay (10/29/15) 36min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: It doesn't always feel cleared. How do I know?

4min Don't Need to Know Clearing

11min The process is a magic wand, but not if you have something you NEED to learn

12min Physical Clearings. How do you do them?

19min Is this mine? testing

20min Physical Clearing - Check out Lousie Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" for inspiration

23min Peanut allergy cleared completely

27min Metaphysical Healings

Laser Coaching Replay (10/22/15) 32min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What does it mean when you install a book? do we absorb it better?

8min Moved Live Laser Coaching Replays to their own tab

9min "Exponential Organizations" book huge for our Gamers

13min Top 5 Factors of BreakThru Success - Uber & Wright Bros

29min Fear of Feeling cleared!

Laser Coaching Replay (10/14/15) 28min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Activate Perception3min Resetting the Zero

5min Financial Thermostat - Ed

8min Feeling emotions you haven't felt in a while passing thru, it's okay!

10min What happens when you clear anger and what happens when you do

15min Can I clear my ex's baggage?

18min Your Higher Self is clearing what you need, when you need it...everyday!

20min Letting go of ex's become easy

26min Clearing is like Jenga!

Laser Coaching Replay (10/8/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clearing Dr. David Hawkins book "Letting Go" for everyone!

Do you have any books you would like us to look at clearing?

15min What is Anchor Programming? Its the deepest level for reprogramming your game.

20min Decision Points - Have you really Decided for change?

25min Higher the Power the closer to truth as per "Letting Go"- so what's the degree of power of a message or marketing

35min To clear the message that needs to be heard

38min Generating Prospect List - how do I get them on my lead generation list

42min More competition coming in - how do I clear for that?

49min Beauty is a multitude of vibrations - clear the filters obscuring your vision

Laser Coaching Replay (10/1/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How we are clearing you personalized for each of you.

3min Level of Consciousness Update - everyone Awakened!

5min Am I afraid to commit?

12min energy Measurement

21min How stop creating 'unwanted results'?

24min Will I trust my inner guidence more with the clearing?

Laser Coaching Replay (9/24/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What are the 5 Distinctions of World Class?

5min Why should I be using the New Instant Upgrade?

15min What does "World-Class" mean anyway?

Laser Coaching Replay (9/10/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clare rockin it out on Blab

8min What helped Clare rock it out - clearing Fear of Failure down to World-Class

10min What is the New Process - Instant Upgrade?

14min What is Anchor Programming?

16min Walk thru Instant Upgrade clearing grief

25min Clearing for Weight Gain

31min Sharing the Success - clear that you felt you were bragging

35min Noticing the triggers - they are weeds you can pull out!

38min Link for New Process -

39min Sensatives Report - big upgrades thru Sept 28

Laser Coaching Replay (8/26/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clearing for hiring? and use testing too!

11min What are we clearing from LifeStyle perspective

13min Wiped out would I clear that?

27min How do I know when to say no?

42min Never quit...but when do you pivot?

Laser Coaching Replay (8/13/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Travel AFTER clearing?! Too fun with Costa Rica magic.

Laser Coaching Replay (7/30/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Fun stuff moving after clearing!

8:00 Subtle Energy Clearings - pour your feelings out

9:00 Using the Process for Manifestation, Attracting, Creation

13:00 What's the Difference between Affirmations and this Manifestation Clearing

19:00 Pendulum Tweaks w/ Effectiveness Quotient

30:00 Use Pendulum for Title and Tagline for New Program

40:00 Pendulum for Marketing

Laser Coaching Replay (7/16/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What do I with a crumudgeon who should be clear, but is still crusty with his team?

11:00 Relationship between a willingness to be vulnerable and the invisible mask?

16:00 How do I use the process to clear my unskilled behaviours?

21:00 Subtle Energy tweaks from a fellow gamerThe Master Process is the Sacred SpaceThe Brackets are the tuning fork!

24: 00 I think everything is cleared for my focus in growth business, but what feeling about husband.

Laser Coaching Replay (7/02/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Short Woowoo Report to start

5:00 Is the Process clearing the positive or negative?

15:00 How do I test my levels before and after clearing?

22:00 How do I test price points in my product?

30:00 Clear for your ideal customer too!

39:00 If I'm so clear, why did my partner rake me over the coals?

Laser Coaching Replay (6/18/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Heavy WooWoo Alert Week!

Our call was only 15min, but we covered some heavy stuff!

We can now clear ALL your karma!

We are increasing your capacity to hold God Light :)

Another planetary upgrade is coming Father's Day!

Laser Coaching Replay (6/04/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How to clear Overwhelm in Business and Life.

27min What is cleared forever and what do I need to keep clearing?

34min Gamer Transformation, clearing out the big rocks to be who I really am! The crap is no longer holding me back!

Laser Coaching Replay (5/28/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How you can raise the vibration of your food to your Highest Greatest Good.

Laser Coaching Replay (5/21/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Laser Coaching Replay (11/5/15) 16min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Laser Coaching Replay (10/29/15) 36min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: It doesn't always feel cleared. How do I know?

4min Don't Need to Know Clearing

11min The process is a magic wand, but not if you have something you NEED to learn

12min Physical Clearings. How do you do them?

19min Is this mine? testing

20min Physical Clearing - Check out Lousie Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" for inspiration

23min Peanut allergy cleared completely

27min Metaphysical Healings

Laser Coaching Replay (10/22/15) 32min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What does it mean when you install a book? do we absorb it better?

8min Moved Live Laser Coaching Replays to their own tab

9min "Exponential Organizations" book huge for our Gamers

13min Top 5 Factors of BreakThru Success - Uber & Wright Bros

29min Fear of Feeling cleared!

Laser Coaching Replay (10/14/15) 28min

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Activate Perception

3min Resetting the Zero

5min Financial Thermostat - Ed8min Feeling emotions you haven't felt in a while passing thru, it's okay!

10min What happens when you clear anger and what happens when you do

15min Can I clear my ex's baggage?

18min Your Higher Self is clearing what you need, when you need it...everyday

!20min Letting go of ex's become easy

26min Clearing is like Jenga!

Laser Coaching Replay (10/8/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clearing Dr. David Hawkins book "Letting Go" for everyone!

Do you have any books you would like us to look at clearing?

15min What is Anchor Programming? Its the deepest level for reprogramming your game.

20min Decision Points - Have you really Decided for change?

25min Higher the Power the closer to truth as per "Letting Go"- so what's the degree of power of a message or marketing

35min To clear the message that needs to be heard

38min Generating Prospect List - how do I get them on my lead generation list

42min More competition coming in - how do I clear for that?

49min Beauty is a multitude of vibrations - clear the filters obscuring your vision

Laser Coaching Replay (10/1/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How we are clearing you personalized for each of you.

3min Level of Consciousness Update - everyone Awakened!

5min Am I afraid to commit?

12min energy Measurement

21min How stop creating 'unwanted results'?

24min Will I trust my inner guidence more with the clearing?

Laser Coaching Replay (9/24/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What are the 5 Distinctions of World Class?

5min Why should I be using the New Instant Upgrade?

15min What does "World-Class" mean anyway?

Laser Coaching Replay (9/10/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clare rockin it out on Blab

8min What helped Clare rock it out - clearing Fear of Failure down to World-Class

10min What is the New Process - Instant Upgrade?

14min What is Anchor Programming?

16min Walk thru Instant Upgrade clearing grief

25min Clearing for Weight Gain

31min Sharing the Success - clear that you felt you were bragging

35min Noticing the triggers - they are weeds you can pull out!

38min Link for New Process -

39min Sensatives Report - big upgrades thru Sept 28

Laser Coaching Replay (8/26/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Clearing for hiring? and use testing too!

11min What are we clearing from LifeStyle perspective

13min Wiped out would I clear that?

27min How do I know when to say no?

42min Never quit...but when do you pivot?

Laser Coaching Replay (8/13/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Travel AFTER clearing?! Too fun with Costa Rica magic.

Laser Coaching Replay (7/30/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Fun stuff moving after clearing!

8:00 Subtle Energy Clearings - pour your feelings out

9:00 Using the Process for Manifestation, Attracting, Creation

13:00 What's the Difference between Affirmations and this Manifestation Clearing

19:00 Pendulum Tweaks w/ Effectiveness Quotient

30:00 Use Pendulum for Title and Tagline for New Program

40:00 Pendulum for Marketing

Laser Coaching Replay (7/16/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: What do I with a crumudgeon who should be clear, but is still crusty with his team?

11:00 Relationship between a willingness to be vulnerable and the invisible mask?

16:00 How do I use the process to clear my unskilled behaviours?

21:00 Subtle Energy tweaks from a fellow gamer

The Master Process is the Sacred Space

The Brackets are the tuning fork!

24: 00 I think everything is cleared for my focus in growth business, but what feeling about husband.

Laser Coaching Replay (7/02/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Short Woowoo Report to start

5:00 Is the Process clearing the positive or negative?

15:00 How do I test my levels before and after clearing?

22:00 How do I test price points in my product?

30:00 Clear for your ideal customer too!

39:00 If I'm so clear, why did my partner rake me over the coals?

Laser Coaching Replay (6/18/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: Heavy WooWoo Alert Week!

Our call was only 15min, but we covered some heavy stuff!

We can now clear ALL your karma!

We are increasing your capacity to hold God Light :)

Another planetary upgrade is coming Father's Day!

Laser Coaching Replay (6/04/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How to clear Overwhelm in Business and Life.

27min What is cleared forever and what do I need to keep clearing?

34min Gamer Transformation, clearing out the big rocks to be who I really am! The crap is no longer holding me back!

Laser Coaching Replay (5/28/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Synopsis: How you can raise the vibration of your food to your Highest Greatest Good.

Laser Coaching Replay (5/21/15)

(Right click and 'Save as...' to download)

Life's New Game - All Rights Reserved 2014
