Got Triggered? Clear it!

How to Clear the Trigger itself rather than trying to figure out what the heck is behind it...

Another key way to use the Process is to Clear the Trigger itself rather than trying to figure out what the heck is behind it...

I almost exclusively put 'Triggers' in the brackets these days and let my Divine Team sort out what is positive or negative. [Click Here to hear how we cleared Clare's Trigger on the call! Right after we look at Pam's report]

What is a Trigger Clearing?

We use this when it is a person, place or event that triggers a reaction.

Rather than try to figure out the underlying cause of the trigger, we clear the trigger and everything contributing to the trigger directly, like when an SO says something and you get angry, when you get cut off in traffic, or even just getting a burn!

This not only prevents you from dwelling too long on the negative and thus attract more negative, it also prevents you from clearing only part of the problem, or clearing the wrong thing entirely.

So in the cases above, I'd put in the brackets,

[whatever is around when my SO asks 'Did you take out the garbage']

[that feeling I get when I get vut off in traffic]

[whatever caused me to burn myself]

For instance, we had a Gamer get triggered because a close friend told them that their dream would never work and she would never be any more than she is now. Having done therapy before, when she told us about getting triggered, she then went into a long story about WHY she thought she was triggered… mom never believed in me, every time I start something I fail, I don’t think I deserve success, etc.

It was after she had learned how to use the Master Process for herself, so she cleared everything she could think of and she still felt triggered every time she thought about the conversation with her friend.

She could have spent years in that cycle.

Instead, we put the trigger itself in the brackets to be cleared and let her Divine Team clear and balance everything around that event/person.

[whatever is around that feeling when Bill said, 'Why don't you get a real job?']

Your Divine Team sees the ENTIRE picture. You could spend years trying to figure out all the factors around the trigger and still never get it all. However, your Divine Team sees the whole picture, what to clear and what to install moving forward.

That’s why, when you get triggered, it is important to clear the TRIGGER itself.

Happy Trigger Clearing! It's the fastest way I've found to reset my day :)


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