Do you really have a ‘financial glass ceiling?’ A few days ago, I got an email from a major player in the success” arena, and they mentioned “financial glass ceiling.” The concept intrigues us and since we are continually searching for specific issues to clear for our clients, Liz and I discussed the concept.
The Financial Glass Ceiling would imply that there is an upper limit on what you can do financially and that you can break through that limit to the limitless beyond. However, do you break through to limitlessness? In our experience and our testing, its not so much that you break through that barrier and then there are no barriers. There is often another limit that you set for yourself beyond that one and when you bump up against the new limit, you’ll break through that one too.
While the idea made some sense, Liz kept getting that there may be a better concept for our folks, that of the Financial Thermostat. Like the thermostat on your house, your Financial Comfort Thermostat sets your range of comfort and keeps you within that range. If you are making too much, the Financial Comfort Thermostat will slow down production, sales, drive, etc to keep you from going over. If you are making too little, it will kick up your drive and opportunities to get you back up in range. So, there are barriers, but they are both on the low AND high ends.
And the good news is that, like your house thermostat, your Financial Comfort Thermostat can be adjusted without the need to break anything 🙂
What does that look like in Life’s New Game then? We measured the Financial Comfort Thermostat (FCT) limit for an early group experiencing Life’s New Game. The upper thermostatic limit varied from $100K to $300K, but the average was about $110k. We then used our Master Process to clear everyone for the level that is currently for their Highest, Greatest Good. Consistently, the FCT level jumped by at least 2.5 times, so for someone who was previously $100,000, the new level was $250,000 or more, many jumped up to around $500k.
And in fact, when we called to verify our results, one Gamer said that their original thermostat reading was exactly the range of what they made last year, and later that the new reading is where their business is projecting going in the next year. He had been afraid that he would sabotage the projected growth (lose contracts, etc), but with this FCT adjustment, he was right on track to sustain that growth.
We since added to check in Semi-Annually with our ongoing Life’s New Gamers and re-adjust their Financial Comfort Thermostat up to correlate with their clearing/installing. Thereby upgrading their New Game’s prosperity as well as productivity and satisfaction!
It’s always exciting to watch what happens to all our Life’s New Gamers as they no longer “pull the plug” on prosperity generating actions when they reach the old limit, but instead continue the effective actions until they reach much higher levels of income.
To YOUR New Game!
Ed (&Liz!)
To learn more about how we can help adjust your New Game, visit us at