A very smart gal told me recently…
• Be ready to accept and/or initiate surprising offers that are perfect for you.
• Embrace change and flexibility, as you move out of your comfort zone.
• You are now receiving just what you need.
It’s this last one that gives me peace in all this transition time. “You are now receiving just what you need.” God, The Universe, our Guides provide exactly what we need and knows better than us what that is.
And that’s what helps me sleep at night while my world is being completely rewritten.
I’ve moved across the United States at the same time my support system moved 3 states away from me. My business is transitioning. I’m on the edge of a new personal relationship. And my daughter just hit puberty!
And still I feel strangely calm. Scared out of my mind at times, yes.
And at the same time, my heart is calm. I know that I am being taken care of, even if I don’t know how.
“You are now receiving just what you need.”
That belief and understanding is what gives me peace amidst the changes.
The changes I asked for mind you! Because I’m not really patient and I asked for a massive upgrade to my game and here I am, well past the edges of my comfort zone.
And every day, sometimes multiple times, I hit a Decision Point…am I going to rabbit back to what I know or let myself get comfortable in this new space till it is my new comfort zone?
“You are now receiving just what you need.”
So I stay in this new territory and trust that I have all I need…
Now I hear the Beatles singing, “All you need is Love!” lol
“Love is all you need.”
Love of a person?
Love of a place?
and Deeper
All is Love
That’s a radical statement with all the turmoil going on in the world.
My daughter asked if I would say to someone living on the edge of starvation, someone living in a war torn country – you choose your own Game, your own life, and by the way…All is Love.
And I told her that would be cruel to say to someone in that position. It would not help their Game.
Being Love in their world would help their Game.
Science tells us that everything, everything is made of energy.
At the base, we are all made of the same stuff.
Religions around the world have put it this way for centuries…All is One…Om
And I believe, with millions of other,s that that energy we are made of is Love.
All is Love
You are now receiving just what you need
All is Love
And the more baggage I’ve cleared
the higher my consciousness has come
the more I understand in the core of my being
All is Love
You are now receiving just what you need
And that gives me peace.
To YOUR New Game!
Are you ready for that inner peace?
It’s so much easier find with support!
Check out https://lifesnewgame.com/lngexclusive to play this game of life with us.