Mike felt it was the perfect time for Life’s New Game in his life. He had done much personal development work over the years, but was now feeling stuck. His business had dropped off rather dramatically, and he was having cash flow issues. He engaged in LNG in May and cleared numerous debilitating Emotions, raised… Continue reading From Minnesota Farm to Vegas Baby!
Category: Case Studies
Are your Heroes truly World-Class?
We’ve decided to add a new series for fun where you can submit leaders that you think are World Class and we will share the leaders who are truly World Class. Here’s where the idea began: I was reading my Motley Fool Stock Advisor newsletter in which they discussed RPM International. Here is what they… Continue reading Are your Heroes truly World-Class?
Your Higher Self Holds the Key to Your Overwhelm
This week we got an email from a Gamer, Joe, who was having tech issue after tech issue with the membership site. Now there was a major glitch in platform that our developer had to fix, and thanks to Joe, we were on top of it and able to get everything back up within a… Continue reading Your Higher Self Holds the Key to Your Overwhelm
It was the WORST golf game of my life! or was it?
I played the worse golf I had played in years, literally. I had just completed 4 straight months of intense emotional clearing and and weeks of consciousness raising and I expected the best game of my life when I played golf with my friend, Bob. So imagine my surprise as I played so badly that… Continue reading It was the WORST golf game of my life! or was it?
Beyond Mindfulness?
“You have the brain of a long-time meditator,” Dr. Ron Bonnstetter, Sr. VP of Research & Development for TTI Success Insights, said. I was surprised and delighted to hear that from such an expert, because while I had given up on serious meditation years ago, I’d been suspicious that the mindful state I’d been enjoying… Continue reading Beyond Mindfulness?