Appreciation Game

Activating the power of validation...

How would you like to feel Appreciated? I’m mean really seen and validated for your work? It would feel great right?

I (Liz) remember watching one episode of the sitcom, Designing Women, and the ladies just wished there was something that would give them a standing ovation on demand. At the end of the episode, an appreciative client sent them a package. When they opened the beautifully carved box, the sounds of an excited orchestra audience swelled to fill their office, “Bravo!.” Fade to black with wonderful feelings :)

Our Life’s New Gamers are just like us. You are driven to make the world a better place, for yourself, your family, your community and your wider world. We get so caught up in the drive forward that we forget to take a moment to appreciate who we’ve become and how far we’ve gone

So take a moment, sit back and enjoy this token of Appreciation…

And remember that this is YOUR game. The world mirrors you! So if you’d like more Appreciation in your life, try giving a little. It’s the game that creates an upward spiral effect in your life and spreads in ever increasing ripples of appreciation thru the world around you!Ed & I would just like to say, for who you are and all you do...BRAVO!!!

Life's New Game - All Rights Reserved 2016
