Ed and I were reading this article, “5 Core Beliefs of Incredibly Successful People,” as excerpted by Jeff Haden.
I was immeadiately struck with how wonderful principles lose much of their power when stated from the negative. So I’m taking the liberty today, to rewrite these 5 Core Beliefs of Incredibly Successful People from the positive for your turbo powered use!
1. I am a servant. We all acomplish more worthwhile results when we work together for the highest greatest good of all.
2. Success comes one step at a time. Success looks easy in the rosy light of the rear view mirror. Success is actually achieved by taking one step at a time knowing that when you keep moving, success will be one of your destinations.
3. Every day I do one thing that stands out from the crowd. Just one small Decision a Day builds that mountain towards success, and it compounds taking you exponentially higher as you progress.
4. I plan, test, then execute with speed and vigor. As my mentor, Mary Morrissey, always says, “Inspiration without Action is merely entertainment.”
5. I keep going till I get there. Whether I start the journey early or late, I continue to the end. As I always say, “Followthru is what sets apart the professional from the amatuer.”
These principles are likely something you’ve heard many times before in different words. Do you see how they vibrationally feel different written from the positive?
I encourage you to pull out those principles you’ve lived by. They likely have stood you in great stead to get you to the success you have today. Imagine how much power they would have if you took the brakes off!
Try re-writing those core beliefs from the positive and see how that little perspective shift actually gives your core beliefs rocket fuel!
To Your New Game!
PS To see how we transform your core beliefs to rocket fuel for you, check out https://lifesnewgame.com/lngexclusive