For quite some time I’ve been running on the question, “How could someone have zero money issues, yet their results look like they have some issues with money?”
I finally got the answer this morning, and it relates directly with that last paragraph in the Alice post.
Did you read the blog post about Alice, who had cleared so many emotions and beliefs, yet would backslide from time to time? Here is the final paragraph in that post, which describes the learning:
“So, clear your emotions and limiting beliefs, while raising your consciousness to world-class levels. Then look for the simple solution to an issue that raises it’s head. Take action on that solution and watch the impact it has on your life.”
When we clear money issues for you, we’re clearing all mental, emotional and spiritual money issues. That statement tests as 100% true, even though I had never actually thought of it consciously that way. That leaves the physical results of the money issues.
And it can take time for the physical results to catch up with a clearing.
With debilitating emotions and limiting beliefs of all kinds, including money issues, cleared – just like with Alice, you’re more open to seeing solutions to the physical side. Then take action to resolve or move forward the physical results.
Now that you are clear, you’re ready for the physical to resolve now, as you no longer are stifled by the emotions and beliefs.
Realizing this, I went back and investigated Alice’s story further. Even though I had cleared her more than once, she would always pop back up to 10 money issues. I tested, and guess what, they were all physical issues. And when she took that action of going to an attorney with her husband, and resolving the legal will issue, her money issues went to zero and stayed there, as now the actual physical issues were resolved.
What’s the point…We keep learning! And once you are cleared on the spiritual plain, you need to take new action to resolve the physical plain – even if its just making a phone call or setting an appointment.
Now, one more bit of information from our testing. 96% of the people who have NO money issues of ANY KIND first cleared mental, emotional and spiritual money issues before the physical side was cleared.
How many disaster stories have you heard about people who had a big win of money – whether huge contract, winning the lottery, or whatever – and weren’t able to effectively manage it? Why? Because none of their mental, emotional and spiritual money issues had been cleared.
Clear those huge, deep issues first, then you’re fully ready for the physical money breakthroughs. And we’re ready to help 🙂
To Your New Game!
PS To get your Money Issues cleared, join us on our exclusive webclass. Our gift to you!