Alice had struggled with her emotions for many years. As a student of Life’s New Game, she would have times of major breakthroughs – yet tend to fall back to old ways. Yet we knew she was amazingly clear of debilitating emotions and limiting beliefs, and her consciousness was almost off the charts. She had used many other systems to grow and heal in the past (non-traditional medicine and healers, crystals, Louise Hay, etc), but was unable to let go of this last piece, which is why she had come to Life’s New Game.
Then one day she emailed to let us know that her “sense of dread” that something bad was going to happen had been replaced with a great sense of love, gratitude and “especially, a sense of trust.”
Intrigued, we jumped on the phone with her and she shared her joy and exhilaration, and it was so deep and real and lasting, that I wanted to know more. So, following some questions, Alice shared what had happened over the last few days…
Her husband’s grown children had ignored him for many years, and he was quite a bit older than Alice. She had been concerned for years about what would happen if he were to pass before her, yet she was not the mother of his children. He simply wanted to leave everything to her, but that really bothered her and didn’t feel right, and she didn’t know what to do.
You can probably relate. When we don’t know what to do, we often do nothing – waiting for the clarity on what to do. That’s what Alice did for years, and it was bothering her at an extremely deep level without her even realizing it. In fact, it was likely the emotional culprit that was resulting in some significant health issues for her.
Now, however, she was so clear of limiting beliefs and debilitating emotions, as well as very high awareness/consciousness, that she knew she needed to take action and was ready to do it. She set an appointment with an attorney, and she and her husband, Robert, went together.
As soon as the attorney heard the dilemma, he knew the solution. He knew immediately how Robert could support Alice on his passing, without interference of the kids, while still helping his grandchildren.
The solution was simple and pretty common. They just needed to put everything in a Trust, which eventually gives everything to your grandchildren. As part of the arrangement, Alice would have the use of the house as long as she is alive, as well as the right to manage and earn income from the rental properties, with some reasonable income.
After thinking about this for a couple days, Alice and Robert realized this was the perfect solution. It was only then that Alice realized how huge an issue this was for her, and how it kept her from being the joyful, loving person she really was. This huge release, added to the upleveling through LNG, put her into that specialness.
It was really a simple and common solution, but one that Alice wasn’t open to seeing or finding until that moment – even after years of working on herself. She needed the old baggage cleared before she was even open to finding the solution.
There’s a breakthrough realization for the work of Life’s New Game here, too.
Once clear of numerous deep, debilitating emotions, and hundreds of limiting beliefs, and with awareness is dramatically raised, you are ready to address the deeper issues that have been hiding in the shadows and short-circuiting your success and happiness. With no where to hide, there is high probability that a big issue that has smoldered for years will raise it’s head to be addressed. You are now ready to deal with it! And it does not have to be difficult. Often, like Alice’s, the solution will likely be so easy you’ll wonder why it took you so long to see it.
When you deal with this issue, you’ll be gifted with a new level of clarity – even deeper and more thorough – and you’re likely to sense you’re receiving the miracle you’ve been looking for. That’s the feeling that Alice now has – that the Lifetime breakthrough she wanted through LNG was now hers.
To put this into perspective for those that like numbers, like me :-), here are some measurements around Alice and this situation.
1. Before participating in Life’s New Game, Alice had a level of Worry/Anxiety of 82% on a 0-100% relative scale. It was a big issue.
2. Having graduated from the 6-week LNG course, her Worry/Anxiety dropped to a level of 18%.
3. Now, this is interesting. Once she dealt with that issue of what would happen if Robert passed before her, without any additional clearing, her Worry/Anxiety dropped to 7%! That is huge, and within a couple of points of the lowest we ever see!
Remember, some Worry is healthy! It is a powerful tool for survival and change and when you clear your emotions and limiting beliefs, while raising your consciousness to world-class levels, worry no longer stops you in your tracks, but empowers you to look for the simple solution to an issue the moment it raises it’s head. Take action on that solution and watch the impact it has on your life.
That’s the fun as YOU take the power in Your New Game!
Ed and Liz
PS To get your worry cleared for you For FREE, check out