We got an email today that asked us, “Hey guys, can you clear Procrastination?”
Ed immediately said, “Sure we can!” And he is right, but Procrastination is not always a bad thing. In fact, Procrastination is the symptom, not the disease.
You see, before you are cleared of a whole lot of limiting beliefs and debilitating emotions, you might procrastinate because you are sabotaging your success (for a myriad of reasons) or you don’t believe you can do it or you are afraid you might hurt someone’s feelings and on and on and on
Procrastination is the flag that their is a bunch of stuff under the surface that needs clearing.
Then when would I (Liz), who has done a ton of clearing STILL seem to procrastinate from time to time?
After clearing Procrastination becomes a flag for something else entirely. It becomes a sign of Universal timing.
Like the time I was fussing over what I was going to wear and changed my outfit twice at a conference (not my usual thing) and it looked like I really didn’t want to leave the room. But then I walked into the very person I needed to connect with in the lobby.
If I had been my usual, decisive fast dressing self, I would have been early and missed that window of opportunity when we were both available and not swamped with other people.
Once we are clear of the limits, procrastination actually becomes our friend. It tells us that the time is not quite right and to wait a bit so that we hit the optimal window.
At this point, I call it a sensitivity to Universal Time. A connectedness to my full game that tells me when it is best to act…from emailing a key resource, to backing down the driveway.
And I’ve learned to trust it. Those times when it felt like I was hurry up and waiting and I got impatient and acted anyway, I’ve found out later that if I had just waited that extra 5 min, day or month sometimes, I would have had much bigger and better results.
Can we clear Procrastination? Of course we can. We can clear what’s behind it that is not to your Highest Greatest good. And then I invite you to start listening to Universal Timing and know that you are acting when it is optimal to act. To others it may seem procrastination, but you’ll feel it and know that really you are acting when it is to your greatest benefit.
To Your New Game!
PS To get more info on how we can clear what’s behind your procrastination visit lifesnewgame.com/lngexclusive