“Ed, American Express just cancelled my business account!”
Our friend and a participant in the first Life’s New Game course sounded desperate on the phone. I’d never heard him that worried. There was some kind of mistake, and American Express had cancelled his long-term account, which he used for all his business expenses. There were some other complications, and George was a basket case.
The following morning he had a major keynote address to do, and he was in a “world has collapsed around me” frame of mind. He was a bit panicked.
“I know you’ve taught us to clear ourselves,” he said, “but right now I just need for you to facilitate it for me. I cannot think straight and don’t even know what to clear.” After talking a little more to reassure him and better understand the situation, I hung up and prepared for a major clearing.
So what do we clear in this case? We cleared fear of failure, anxiety, worry, embarrassment and a few other emotions, as well as clearing his audience for openness. We also got his self-confidence back to 100% and then I texted him to let him know it was complete.
The following afternoon, I got a phone call from George,
“Probably the best keynote I’ve ever done!,” he said.
That’s a huge statement coming from a recognized world champion of public speaking. In fact, he did so well that he sold $18,000 worth of additional products and services, a new record for him at that time.
He was ecstatic, grateful and thanked us over and over for the impact that Life’s New Game made in his life…Not only in the everyday, but when everything was on the line.
Here’s to Your grace under fire!
Ed and Liz