People ask me all the time, “Ed, I can see how Life’s New Game sets me up for personal development, but can it really help the success of my business?” Well, let me tell you about Sarah.
Sarah is an entrepreneur and best-selling author who has made a difference with her multi-million corporate training business for two decades, but has always known there is so much more that they could do. She had had some significant people challenges over the last couple of years and when we first started working together, her 3 Mindset Factors were as follow:
LOC 599
Anger 3
Caring 90%
By time she decided to have us work with her entire organization, approximately 15 people, her Mindset Factors looked like this:
LOC low 900s
Anger 0.5
Caring 100%
Notice how these numbers transformed to the level of the world class leaders we’ve listed earlier in the book (Life’s New Game which shows that world class, successful leaders have LOC above 900 Anger Scale less than 1% and Caring Scale over 95%).
Considering her extensive experience in leadership roles, and these Mindset Factors, she’s now the kind of leader you’d want to work with.
The experiment with her organization was designed to see what happened if we:
– Raise the consciousness gradually of her whole team
– Lower their Anger Scale to virtually zero
– Raise their Caring Scale to close to 100%
– Reprogram a large list of Limiting Beliefs, and any others that might surface
– Clear a substantial list of other debilitating emotions
– Strengthen a substantial list of positive emotions
Because of Sarah’s world class leadership knowledge and Mindset Factors, we were already set up for success, but what happened surprised even us. Only two weeks after beginning the team project, I received a call from Sarah. Here’s what she had to say:
“I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep it up! We just had an epic sales month in just the last two days!”
When a team with a shared vision are all at high levels of consciousness and very low debilitating emotions, while coming from a high level of caring and appreciation for each other and their clients, miracles can happen – and indeed, are likely to.
So I have to ask you, What could Life’s New Game do for your Business Success?”
🙂 Ed Oakley