It's Not Mine!

How to Clear Emotions coming in from the outside...

Another key way to use the Process when the emotions are not yours, but are coming in externally...

All this came about because there are a lot of feelings our sensitives have been letting flow thru to clear the planet on behalf of everyone. What's really cool is that you can use this same sequence if someone is trying to force their emotions on you!

1. If you are feeling something strange, pull out your pendulum/fingers and ask,"What % of what I'm feeling is mine?"

2. Clear "Let it Flow," which means, you are clearing anything that may be in the way of letting the emotion flow thru you without getting stuck. So you would put "Let if Flow" in the brackets of the Process.

3. Clear the % that is yours. So in the brackets of the Process, put in "whatever is behind the % of (this feeling) that is mine." If you know what the feeling is, then name it. If you can't put your finger on the feeling then just leave it "this feeling." Since you just tested the % of it that is yours, your Team will know what feeling you are talking about.

You are letting the emotion flow through you without getting stuck and you are using that feeling to bird-dog where you might need some additional clearing of your own.

So, what could feel like an attack or backsliding or a downward spiral, is a actually a great opportunity for you to clear even more :)

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