Instant Upgrade Training

Harnessing the power of On-Demand Balancing...

This is it! The week we’ve all been waiting for! This week you take the power of On-Demand clearing and balancing in your own hands! So let’s get started!

Keep it mind that we are continually updating the Process and refining it, so what you see here will not be exactly the same, but this video shows you the technology embedded in the Process even when the words have been changed a bit.

Download The Process

Click to Download Instant Upgrade Process

What can I put in the brackets?

Everything! We are not kidding. Anything that comes up. From:"That guy who cut me off in traffic!" to "Any issues with my mother" to "Fear of Wallpaper" and"The perfect date night" to "more of these awesome days at work" to "another great hire like the last one!"

It doesn't matter if its positive or negative, put it in the brackets and your Higher Self will get you more of what you need!

What can I put in the brackets?

Did you know that while you are saying words, your Higher Self is actually focusing on the vibration and feeling of what you are expressing. Their are times when there are no words to express what you are feeling.

Those times, we suggest you read the Instant Upgrade and then pause when you get to the brackets. Close your eyes and put yourself back in the experience that you want to balance. Feel it deeply with every cell of your body. It can take 5 seconds or several minutes. Whatever it takes for you to fully feel that feeling.

Feel the feeling and then say "Don't Need to Know," Then open your eyes and continue the process to the end.

Your Higher Self will latch onto that vibration, that feeling and balance not only it, but any issues related to it. Pretty cool, huh! We love this part and use this kind of feeling clearing often ourselves.

What can I put in the brackets?

You can put a person's name to balance any issues that you have with or around that person in the brackets.

In order to clear their issues, you would need to go through our certification program first. Just like we had to tune you to higher levels for you to be able to use the process for yourself (before then, we did it for you), we have to raise your vibration for you to use the process to clear others too.

We do have certified 'Game Masters' who are using the process for themselves and others to great results. If you are interested, please apply here to start the application process.

Life's New Game - All Rights Reserved 2016
